
Hello everyone, 

We have worked hard to bring us another update on the website, and we are proud to introduce the staking feature, where you can stake your Coins and earn more Coins! Staking works in the way that there is a base APY rate, and you can choose the terms you want to stake. The longer the durations are, the higher bonus APY rate is. So the more you earn! This function is managed by our experienced team to ensure that we can bring you the APY rates we offer. More information and FAQ are answered in the staking page. 

We have also added the function that allows you to swap USDT to Coins, meaning you can deposit to use our newly added staking function! And to play in our games, good luck. 

The last referral contest was very successful and lots of users participated, we have kept the same prizes. With over $85 in prizes! With the level bonus and membership bonuses, you can get even more! Don’t miss this opportunity! 

This sums up the v2.2.0 update. Hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for your continued support. 
Happy clicking and earning! 

Kind regards, 
Check - Best-Shopme Admin

Views: 529 | Comments: 0 | Date: 11 Nov 2023 02:33